I mentioned yesterday that there where some interesting developments in the lives of my family and myself. I figure I should explain. I talked about what had happened in the past few months in an earlier blog, but I’ll talk about it again.
Back at the end of September, I was laid off from my job in Lancaster PA. I used the philosophies I learned from Napoleon Hill and Charles Haanel and applied massive action to my problem. I decided that I would start work on the following Monday. My wife thought I was nuts, but I went head long into making that come true.
Ultimately, I did miss my goal; however, I did accept a job the following Thursday and started work that Monday. This being laid off has turned out to be a great blessing. I now have a job that pays more and that I really enjoy doing. In the past, whenever I started a new job, the honeymoon was over after about two weeks but here it is, nearing six months at this job in Lititz Pennsylvania, and I still am exited about going to work.
Some other things that have developed are, I realized I have some experience that may be useful to other people. Besides the last two jobs, I also held positions at three other companies. I have a bit more experience at job searching then the average person, so I began putting together a presentation on the subject. I have a rough draft together now and am doing a little more research before going forward with it.
Then, of course, there is the reason for this blog. LeCount Holmes came to me with the idea of Fortune Hi-Tech back in the beginning of the summer. Although, I was not interested at the time, I have since decided that I should get another stream of income.
In this case, I decided on Fortune Hi-Tech because, I’m comfortable with the product and I have three successful mentors to refer to right off the bat. The fact that one of those mentors is in Reading Pennsylvania area is not too shabby either.
Here’s my point today. I know the power of what Napoleon Hill wrote about in Think and Grow Rich. I have felt it and seen it in my own life throughout the past few months. It is amazing how anyone can change their lives just by following the thirteen steps that Napoleon Hill outlined in his book.
Thinking about this gets me more excited about writing about his book. I’d like to start right away, but I believe I need to wait until my view numbers are a little hire so I can help more people experience what I have.
I’m taking off for the weekend. I’m spending a little time with my wife and four boys. Have fun with your own family and see you Monday!

Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fortune Hi-Tech Decision
I want to tell you a little about my decision to join Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. I had never heard of it until my friend, LeCount, told me about it. At that time, I could not really see myself doing any kind of marketing business, but I guess it was the combination of listening to Chuck Bartok, Sam Cam' and friends talking about it as well as some very interesting developments in my family and my life that got me thinking about it.
Weather I am successful at it or not is entirely dependent upon who I surrounded myself with. I thought seriously about joining with Chuck, Sam and the others until I realized a part of - a big part of - Lecount's team was right here in Reading, Pennsylvania. Matt Barrat is a very big guy in Fortune Hi-Tech and very successful.
Well, when it came down to it, I had a choice to make. Do I join with a team of very highly successful people in the Network Marketing industry who are on the left coast, or do I join with a very successful team whom I can meet with, face to face.
The decision was pretty much made up for me. Unfortunately, I won't be joining forces with Chuck and Sam at the moment, but that does not mean that some kind of alliance won't be possible in the future.
At this point, I don't know a lot about the network marketing industry, so the future is not clear. However; I'm optimistic. I am working on surrounding myself with some brilliant and successful people. People who know how to make one of these businesses work. My only problem may by that I've always had a little trouble taking advice.
That's my Southern side coming out. My dad used to call me "Rebel", partly because I was born in South Carolina, while the rest of my family was born in Shamokin PA. But, the biggest reason he called me that was because I always wanted to do things my way, weather it was right or not.
This is one of the things I'm going to have to work on. And like everything else in this opportunity, I have to learn to do it in a hurry.
Weather I am successful at it or not is entirely dependent upon who I surrounded myself with. I thought seriously about joining with Chuck, Sam and the others until I realized a part of - a big part of - Lecount's team was right here in Reading, Pennsylvania. Matt Barrat is a very big guy in Fortune Hi-Tech and very successful.
Well, when it came down to it, I had a choice to make. Do I join with a team of very highly successful people in the Network Marketing industry who are on the left coast, or do I join with a very successful team whom I can meet with, face to face.
The decision was pretty much made up for me. Unfortunately, I won't be joining forces with Chuck and Sam at the moment, but that does not mean that some kind of alliance won't be possible in the future.
At this point, I don't know a lot about the network marketing industry, so the future is not clear. However; I'm optimistic. I am working on surrounding myself with some brilliant and successful people. People who know how to make one of these businesses work. My only problem may by that I've always had a little trouble taking advice.
That's my Southern side coming out. My dad used to call me "Rebel", partly because I was born in South Carolina, while the rest of my family was born in Shamokin PA. But, the biggest reason he called me that was because I always wanted to do things my way, weather it was right or not.
This is one of the things I'm going to have to work on. And like everything else in this opportunity, I have to learn to do it in a hurry.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Getting Back to It
It's good to get back to talking about Napoleon Hill's great book Think and Grow Rich. I've always enjoyed writing and what better subject to write about then Think and Grow Rich. It's a way to help people to better themselves, while bettering myself. Especially at this time. I have a lot of learning to do in a very short time; and I think this would be a great way to do exactly that.
So, you may be wondering, exactly what is it I plan to do with the blog. Since there has been a long hiatus, I don't think I'd be doing anyone any favors by picking up where I left off. So, what I plan to do is to start over, more or less. I'll bring back the writings I've already done but add things that make it more pertinent in my life, now.
I've undergone a lot of changes in the past few months. Changes that may have not been possible without the writings of Napoleon Hill and an appreciation for the law of attraction.
Another issue I have is having to keep the blog moving a little faster. So, what I may do is, break up those articles into smaller ones so, I can post more often; therefor get more attention from the search engines. After all, as you may have noticed, I now have two advertisements. One for the Fortune Hi-Tech shopping site and one for my business opportunity. That's right, I'm blogging for dollars now!
When I plan to start is a bit of a mystery to me. I was thinking of starting tomorrow, but then I thought, (yes, my brain still works despite the many years of drinking and banging my head against walls!) If I just blog some of my thoughts on Napoleon Hill and Fortune Hi-Tech first, that may get some of the attention of people who had been visiting before. I believe this will lead to some very good discussions.
So, My tentative day for starting is on this Monday. It could change, depending on the increase of traffic, or the lack there of.
See you tomorrow from your Wednesday Night Wiener, Michael Donlan
So, you may be wondering, exactly what is it I plan to do with the blog. Since there has been a long hiatus, I don't think I'd be doing anyone any favors by picking up where I left off. So, what I plan to do is to start over, more or less. I'll bring back the writings I've already done but add things that make it more pertinent in my life, now.
I've undergone a lot of changes in the past few months. Changes that may have not been possible without the writings of Napoleon Hill and an appreciation for the law of attraction.
Another issue I have is having to keep the blog moving a little faster. So, what I may do is, break up those articles into smaller ones so, I can post more often; therefor get more attention from the search engines. After all, as you may have noticed, I now have two advertisements. One for the Fortune Hi-Tech shopping site and one for my business opportunity. That's right, I'm blogging for dollars now!
When I plan to start is a bit of a mystery to me. I was thinking of starting tomorrow, but then I thought, (yes, my brain still works despite the many years of drinking and banging my head against walls!) If I just blog some of my thoughts on Napoleon Hill and Fortune Hi-Tech first, that may get some of the attention of people who had been visiting before. I believe this will lead to some very good discussions.
So, My tentative day for starting is on this Monday. It could change, depending on the increase of traffic, or the lack there of.
See you tomorrow from your Wednesday Night Wiener, Michael Donlan
Fortune Hi-Tech,
Law of Attraction,
Napolean Hill
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm ... Back?
Well, this is my first post since I promised ... over a month ago ... that I was back.
Well, those of you who are familiar with this blog may have noticed a significant change. Yes, I have joined a network marketing company. It was only a matter of time, really. reading and studying Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is bound to make a guy reach for the stars. Will this opportunity actually take me to the stars? Well, that isn't the reason I joined. I told one of the guys I joined up with that I was looking for some "beer money". You know, that extra cash, I can spend on silly nonsense, such as paying down debt, keeping a roof over my wife and four boys' heads, and keeping everyone warm and fed.
I started looking around and investigating several options, but a friend of mine showed me Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, and I was intrigued. With FHTM I have the opportunity to sell products that most people are already familiar with. Products from companies such as GE, Cingular, BP and on and on.
I was worried I'd end up selling Bubu's Energy elixir or something. No offence to Bubu. I'm sure his elixir is great stuff, but no one has ever heard of it.
So I'm happy to be a part of this company, especially since I have direct access to three gentlemen who have been with FHTM for an average of two years. I have a lot of experience to tap into, plus I trust the guy who brought me in to this.
The only problem I have at the moment is, now I have to prove to my wife that I didn't wast 300 dollars in joining FHTM.
Next time I'll let you know about my plans for this blog and the study of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"
Well, those of you who are familiar with this blog may have noticed a significant change. Yes, I have joined a network marketing company. It was only a matter of time, really. reading and studying Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is bound to make a guy reach for the stars. Will this opportunity actually take me to the stars? Well, that isn't the reason I joined. I told one of the guys I joined up with that I was looking for some "beer money". You know, that extra cash, I can spend on silly nonsense, such as paying down debt, keeping a roof over my wife and four boys' heads, and keeping everyone warm and fed.
I started looking around and investigating several options, but a friend of mine showed me Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, and I was intrigued. With FHTM I have the opportunity to sell products that most people are already familiar with. Products from companies such as GE, Cingular, BP and on and on.
I was worried I'd end up selling Bubu's Energy elixir or something. No offence to Bubu. I'm sure his elixir is great stuff, but no one has ever heard of it.
So I'm happy to be a part of this company, especially since I have direct access to three gentlemen who have been with FHTM for an average of two years. I have a lot of experience to tap into, plus I trust the guy who brought me in to this.
The only problem I have at the moment is, now I have to prove to my wife that I didn't wast 300 dollars in joining FHTM.
Next time I'll let you know about my plans for this blog and the study of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"
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